What are my personal injury damages from a bicycle accident caused by an at-fault driver?

You can recover for “economic” loss – your past and future “specials”, i.e. medical bills, lost wages, diminished earning capacity, gas mileage to and from your medical providers and even attendant care even by a family member. More importantly, you can also recover for your non-economic damages or pain and suffering – the past, present and future physical pain, disfigurement, mental suffering/anguish, loss of basic activities (talk, walk, lift, etc.) and pleasurable activities (cycling, golf, working out, etc.)

Medical treatment should occur soon and stay consistent throughout the process. You should document your physical pain, mental suffering, activity loss, medical expenses and lost wages.

Do you have a concussion? A brain injury is serious and needs to be handled with care. Attorney Knabe has handled several concussion syndrome cases, which takes significant time to resolve. Many times treatment includes a neurological consult and speech, physical, occupational and psychological therapy. These therapies are often needed to recover from the devastating headaches and memory loss.

Scarring? We obtain your life expectancy and ask for compensation for your remaining years for the disfigurement.

Attorney & Cyclist Kenneth Knabe: Protecting Cleveland’s Cyclists through injury representation, sponsorships, publishing, lecturing and Vision Zero safety legislation. Knabe Law Firm Co., LPA: 14222 Madison Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio 44107. Phone: 216-228-7200