Can I buy bike insurance separately from my car insurance to cover me in a bicycle accident?

Yes, you can insure your bicycle and yourself for theft, physical loss, damage, liability and some coverage when hit by an uninsured driver. Here is a link to an insurance backed company started by cyclists that I recommend:

If you have car insurance and elect  “U” (Uninsured/Under-insured) coverage and medical payments coverage, and also schedule your bike under your homeowners policy, you don’t need it.

If you don’t own a car and are not a family member covered under an auto policy, this covers all the basics: up to $100,000.00 in liability coverage (e.g. you hit a pedestrian on your bicycle or another vehicle); medical payments coverage ( covers medical bills not covered by health insurance)  and physical contact insurance (acts as “U” coverage but only up to $25,000.00 which is inadequate if you are seriously injured by an uninsured driver. Coverage is provided if your bicycle is lost, stolen or damaged even if you are racing.

No bicycle coverage for bicycle messengers though.

Finally, no auto insurance covers an electric bike, so would be prudent to get this bicycle coverage if you ride one.

Bottom line if you cycle on the road and own a car, please elect for “U” coverage Uninsured/Under-insured  coverage as high as you can afford. If you have no car and are not an insured under a household or family policy, it is probably wise to get bicycle coverage.”


Attorney & Cyclist Kenneth Knabe: Protecting Cleveland’s Cyclists through injury representation, sponsorships, publishing, lecturing and Vision Zero safety legislation. Knabe Law Firm Co., LPA: 14222 Madison Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio 44107. Phone: 216-228-7200

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