Bicyclist ticketed for a traffic offense: no points assessed on their Driver’s License. Ohio Statute: Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) §4511.52.

Highly qualified Super Lawyer & Experienced Cyclist Kenneth Knabe – Protecting Cyclists in Ohio through injury representation, sponsorships, education and Vision Zero safety legislation. Knabe Law Firm Co., LPA: 14222 Madison Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio 44107. Phone: 216-228-7200.

Under Ohio Law, a bicycle is defined as a vehicle: a cyclist must obey all traffic rules applicable to vehicles. Ohio Rev. Code Ann. (ORC) §§4501.01(A) & 4511.01(A).  For example, a cyclist must stop at red lights and stop signs (ORC §4511.43); yield to pedestrians on a sidewalk (ORC §4511.441; and ride in the direction of road traffic (ORC §4511.25). By the way, cyclists who follow traffic laws are in 75-80% fewer accidents!

Here is the important, yet often overlooked part. Many police and municipal or mayors’ courts still to this day fail to recognize that no points can be assessed on the driver’s license of a cyclist who commits a traffic offense, other than riding under the influence of alcohol or drugs. O.R.C. §4511.52.  All cyclists should not waive a court appearance on a bicycle traffic citation to make sure that no points are assessed on their driver’s license by the BMV.