Media Appearances


On September 18, 2024, Ken was featured in the Lakewood Observer with his article "E-Bikes"! Read the article HERE

On April 17, 2024, Ken was interviewed by Channel 8 for a New Day Cleveland segment about the Ohio to Erie Trail (OTET). 


The second edition of Cycling Rights was released in January 2024! Available on Bike Cleveland's website and Amazon.


Ken was featured on three times in 2022, in October for the videos “5 safety tips before a bike ride” and“10 safety tips for bike commuters”and in September for a visit with videographer John Pana to the Broadway Boys & Girls Club, where Ken presented five Boys & Girls Club members with new bikes.



In October Ken matched funds for Bike Cleveland’s Rock Community Challenge, and the Bike Cleveland Fundo in September was Powered by Knabe Law Firm for a second year in a row.


In December 2021 Ken was featured on WCPN/ideastream’s The Sound of Ideas, had articles published in The Lakewood Observer and The Columbus Dispatch. He was featured in his first bike safety video for in July 2021— “10 Safety Tips for Biking at Cleveland Metroparks” —joining videographer John Pana for an epic bike ride on Valley Parkway. In June 2021 he was interviewed by Jordan Davis of for the video “Lakewood's Bike Lawyer Ken Knabe on Cycling Safety”.



Earlier in 2021 Ken created a video segment (premiere in May 2021) for Lakewood Public Library’s Virtual Author Series. He shared tips on cycling safety and law via “Inspire by the Fire” presented by Columbus Outdoor Pursuits. During an Ohio to Erie Trail (OTET) webinar in April, OTET Board Member Ken provided an update regarding the Northern Section of the Trail which includes Cuyahoga County. He was the Featured Author in a Cleveland Law Library/Cleveland Public Library Book Discussion Group focusing on Cycling Rights.



Ken’s book Cycling Rights: Bicycles, E-Bikes & Micro-Mobility Devices, published in September 2020 has gained placement in numerous public library systems across Northeast Ohio and in university libraries including those of CSU and CWRU.


Ken continues to volunteer his time and expertise toward Vision Zero Cleveland legislation. The goal of Vision Zero is to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all road users. Cleveland has installed the first side guards on its garbage trucks to prevent catastrophic underride injuries. Ken’s colleague Attorney Andy Young of The Law Firm for Truck Safety LLP donated 15 side guards to the City of Cleveland.